
The Author's Philosophy and Voice
This author, like all writers, has a personal philosophy or view of the universe and life which she attempts to convey through her works. As my list of published works expands, that philosophy or voice, I hope, becomes clearer to my readers. Currently, in addition to her books, the author is a columnist with E-clectic, an online ezine. This month's edition features an article that focuses on a little publicized incident in U.S. history that reveals a great deal about the struggle for women's rights in the United States and elsewhere. I have already received praise for this work. Articles in future editions of E-clectic will range from other issues which have been the focus of my life's work to portraits of those I have known. One of the great pleasures of my life has been to meet and hear the stories of others' lives.
I continue to work on the series of children's books that have been designed to serve as supplementary classroom reading. Published as fully referenced, interactive ebooks on subjects ranging from sewers to crystals, the books integrate fiction and non-fiction in a multi-disciplinary format.
The Star of Peace is a metaphor for our times. The book which provides information about crystals, a subject of high interest to young readers, teaches important social skills. Philosophically, as in all of my children's literature, the child in Star is seen not only as an individual learner, but also, as a learner within a group that includes both biological and extended families.
The family provides a learning environment for the main character in Haunted House Diary as well. Therein, the child not only shares and defines experiences with members of the family, but also, through interaction with other family members, learns to define herself and her own reality. These works reflect my educational philosophy. Children are 24/7 learners. Their growth and development is gradual and not dependent upon defined lines of maturation or particular controlled settings. These are profound concepts. They differentiate my philosophy from those of Rousseau, Piaget and Hesse. With all deference to those great thinkers, it is my individual philosophy that enabled my success as a teacher. Through the books that showcase these concepts, I hope to share that philosophy with others.
Sewers make fun classroom and home projects. Moreover, through them, children can learn ecology, environmental and basic science, mathematics, communication and social skills. The ebooks can also be used in career education courses. They are fully illustrated with over 400 photographs, annotated with information about the why, how and wherefore of sewers worldwide and referenced for further reading and projects.
Moreover, the books integrate fiction and nonfiction for the young reader. Such integration is now common in adult literature. However, I believe that it is equally important in children's literature for the intertwining of fact and fiction serves to re-inforce in children the value of reading and the concept that within the richness of life, there are many stories to be told. From my own classroom and teaching experience, I recognized the need for the books that I am writing. I have also sought the advice and comment of teachers, parents and professionals in the choice of subject and design of the books.
Poetry, Fiction and Non-fiction:
The historical non-fiction, Mill Girls and Their Daughters, covers the hundred and fifty years from the Civil War through the space age. The five generations of Irish American mill girls were linked together by a common heritage and family ties. Each faced her own challenges in her own way for each was a distinct individual. They also shared common values and inner strength. Meet them in the pages of this book inspired by a family photograph taken of the five generations less than a month prior to the death of the matriarch, Emily Sherlock Riley. Recently updated and expanded, copies of Mill Girls and Their Daughters can be ordered from http://www.ebooksonthe.net
The Gift of Love is scheduled for release shortly by Publish America. The collection of short stories focuses on the extraordinary depths of the human psyche that serve as our strength in crisis and allow us to meet the challenges we all face in this life. The heroes and heroines of the stories are not the rich and famous, but rather, the neighbors and friends we greet every day as we go about the business of life.
Violence in the cities did not start in the 1990's. It has always been there. It is not, however, all that inner city residents know. The hopes, dreams, heartaches and tragedies that also characterize urban life are celebrated and detailed in Tales of a City Maid. This collection of narrative and imagistic poems memorializes real children whose lives were lost in fires and on the streets. The subjects of the poems are not those normally covered by poets. Some are raw. Some are dark. All are real. Tales of a City Maid is one of several of my books recently released by Sirius Publications (http://www.sirius-books.com).
Throughout the volumes, the subject of man's relationship to nature and the universe is explored. Trees were selected as the subject for the discussion, for, according to the Bible, trees were created before man. They were in the Garden of Eden, and it was the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge that Adam and Eve ate to try to gain equal status with the Creator. Trees provide man with all that he needs to live and breathe. They also by their presence as sensious beings provide all who would see with special insights into the meaning of life and rules of living. Explore the rules and see trees through the season. The photographic illustrations are from within miles of Andover, Massachusetts USA. A former journalist and photojournalist, I included them not only because they visually add meaning to the poetry, but also, because by inclusion of scenes from within my perview, I sought to convey to the reader that he or she need not look out there for the truth. The truth can be found within.
A Harty Laugh, a book of essays that finds humor in all aspects of modern life - including Presidential politics. More is given about this on the What's New Page.
Grandma's Book of Recipes and Helpful Hints which presents both recipes, but also, annecdotes about the Irish American family in which they were developed and served has been recently released on CD by E-dition.net. In linking the stories to the recipes, I seek to give added dimension to the art of cooking. Cooking is not just the preparation of food. It is reflective of our societal, familial and individual values and lifestyles. The annecdotes included in this volume reflect those of an urban extended family. According to the reviewer at the U.S. Copyright Office, the stories give this cookbook added flavor.
Learn the meaning of the holidays and special days of our lives through the tales included in Holiday Stories released by E-dition.net and discussed in What's New.
On the Death of Love and other poems (Sirius Publications) looks at today's headlines and international conflicts as well as our personal relationships. Published by Sirius Publications, like Tales of a City Maid, the poems in this collection use real life situations to explore the spirit of man, the interconnectedness of all things and man's place within the order of the universe. The impact of the poems is heightened by the poet's use of graphic images which capture our moments and feelings and through which, we can glimpse the truth and meaning of our relationships and events. As with all of her books, a full range of emotions, including humor, is revealed. This ebook, like Tales, will also be available in hard cover. Contact the publisher for details.
Cookbooks, Cookbooks, Cookbooks
The Valley Gourmet, a syndicated column that focused on the historical, medicinal, cultural, nutritional and creative use of food, is the basis for the mini-cookbook series, The Valley Gourmet Adventures in Food A to Z. The mini-cookbooks are packed full of information about and recipes by which readers may include the foods in their diets.
A diet, the author notes, merely refers to what each person chooses to eat or not eat. In counseling readers, the author advises that one choose foods according to his or her personal physical needs and taste preferences. There are as many ways to prepare or include a food in one's diet, notes the author, as there are people with creative imaginations on this earth.
The history and cultural stories about how the foods were first incorporated into man's diet and their use today also bring humor to the books. To find out how, read Applemania, Berry Banana, Cherry Charmers and especially, Dare Durian.