
New and Published Poems
From Tales of a City Maid (Sirius Publications)
Black Macadam
Black, black, black, The macadam of my heart, Dark, cold, solid looking, Too easily fractured, broken, Chipped from the edges inward; Pressured, hammered from Above and below, walked on, Jumped on, run and pounded on, Pushed by root, frozen ground Heaves, underground streams, Shifts and rumblings, So many forces, uncontrolled, Ill-timed and un-chosen. Resurfacing, a brief respite, A band-aid, not a cure, Just momentary protection, Delaying the removal and Replacement. The new surface, Only by appearance, is temporarily Blacker, stonger than before.
(c) 2000. Louise Hart Street Angel
She lay on a bed with cardboard above, below, blanket and sheet, no warmth, just scraps of a torn box someone found by the side of a road. No pillow cradled her fractured skull. She never saw the speeding car. She was unconscious from the moment She landed in a heap in the middle of the street by the railroad crossing. She had been pulling her sled by the tracks, giving her little brother a ride as she did each afternoon after school, waiting for her mother to return from work. The little girl never complained. She loved her mother and her brother. To her, life seemed good. That was what she told the neighbors who chatted with her as she passed their houses on her daily walk dressed in her Salvation Army snowsuit, cap and red rubber boots. She was quiet, even shy, or so the neighbors whispered as they watched. No one dared approach her. No one came close. No one touched her as though to do so would wake her or hurt her more. A reverent death watch silence filled the street where she lay. She moaned from pain or trying to call her brother, no one would ever know. Her brother had been led away into a nearby home to wait for his mother or the police, whichever came first. The neighbor called the police again and again. Would no one come except to collect her for a grave? The hospital was but five minutes from there. No ambulance came while breath was in her. For almost an hour she laid in the street in pain, struggling to breathe, freezing in the near Christmas cold waning daylight. A small crowd gathered, silently prayed, kept vigil, watched for the ambulance. Some ran back and forth to their homes to call again for help, to get warm, to cry before returning to watch as though by watching they might help her breathe, hang on. All saw the last breath leave her body, a sign that seemed to catch a dancing snowflake. An angel's breath, they said, carried away on a chilly twilight wind. Day's end, the ambulance finally came and went. Only its lights flashed, no hurry, they had arrived too late. Neighbors, onlookers, men and women bowed their heads, a moment of mournful silence for what never should have been. Slowly, one by one they left. A policeman found her brother, put him in the cruiser for a drive around the corner to his mother's home. Neighbors said she would soon return from work. Before going in, One collected the broken sled and threw it and the cardboard bed in the trash.
(c) 2000. Louise Hart
A Sip of Wine
I drink of a man Like a fine wine, A sparkling burgundy, That but moistens my lips As it tickles a path To the very heart of me.
(c) 2000. Louise Hart
From On the Death of Love and Other Poems (Sirius Publications)
On the Death of Love
It was not that words hitting as hard as or Stinging as harsh as freezing rain, sleet or hail Pelted upon my soul, they did not. Instead, there was silence, deadly eye of the storm Quiet, stillness, artificial hesitation, tense Lack of action, questions seeking answers And direction, decisions suspended like Breath withheld with no autonomic response, No instinctive gulp of life-saving air. What was not said, done, acted upon, layered Like one dry ice-suffocating blanket Upon another and another. None was aware Of the other. No purposeful, decisive movement, Flow, current, undertow, conscious or Unconscious force was evident or controlled. Feelings fell as neatly as mounting, soft Snowflakes that fall unheard in the night, Euthanized martyrs motivated by primal forces, Newton's law, gravity controls and is obeyed. Individuality, will are not present, do not Change, after or impact the resultant scene. Uninvolved observers perceive uniqueness, Experience momentary beauty apart From the scientific explanations, intellectual Consideration, understandings of physics, Meteorology or aesthetics. Science and Philosophy are not determinant, do not add Or detract from the existential is. The perceived formations of falling snow Bring reminders of the showers that fell upon The unsuspecting victims of Auschwitz Lined up outside de-lousing chambers. They had no way to know the dreams, hope, Remnants of life force, consciousness snuffed Out, incinerated, reduced to nothingness, Unrecongizable by them as they stood half-naked, Shivering from exposure, starvation, fear, Seeking refuge only from the cold, Touched inhumanely now by breathren, Forerunners, others no different than they, Reduced to layers of ash, snowflakes That uniformly, indifferently and indiscriminately, Drafted, drawn, channeled up on lightened air To be spewed out in sky darkening, Seemingly pollution chimney smoke, Bits, pieces showered upon them, Covering, robbing all warmth and color, Blanketing the landscape, foreclosing, Shutting out, walling up, barring rescue Resuscitation, revitalization and recovery. When the doors opened, on direction From armed guards and fellow prisoners, They filed in while others took their places. The debris that now falls is colder, It stings like the cinders of those lives As it touches, chills exposed flesh. Flush red freezes, dilutes, pales pink As encroaching, creeping, narcotizing, Necrotic gray, blue, white, absence Of color, hue, movement markers, Signs of life, love, emotion, reaction depart.
(c)2001. Louise Hart.
From the Illustrated Book of Trees, vol. i
Chips of steel gray impenetrable sky Fall silently with the depth Of a never-ending curtain. Gently, but firmly, each settles, Herded into its place Like an unthinking buffalo.
Watching them, I see them pass As rapidly as cars on the freeways, One after another, Bumper to bumper With no apparent identify of their own.
They cover everything in their path With no preference for a special place, Telephone wires, trees, fence posts, Bushes, houses and cars, All are trimmed alike With a holiday cloth of white.
(c) 2000. Louise Hart.
A Poem in Memory of a Very Special Little Angel
The angels in heaven sing your name,Amelia Victoria Robinson, so bigAnd powerful a name for suchA wisp of a child, with as light and pureA soul as has ever visited this planet,You returned to heaven untouched,Unsoiled, unchanged from the Moment of your incarnation.Your twin sister and brother willMiss you, live for you, rememberYour shared journey to life,As will your mother and father,Whose joy turned to sorrowThat last morning they lovinglyHeld you to say goodbye.With breaking hearts, they watched you,As your spirit slipped away.But days ago, with hopefulHearts and parental inspirationTo protect your soul, they baptized,Dedicated and blessed you.Your soul protected from eternalPurgatory, they prayed for you.They counted days with hope.Man's machines turned off, Your earthly body failed.Your spirit took flight to the waiting,Loving arms of the CreatorWho listens to you whisper,Your voice echoed by angelsWho fill all of Heaven with the purityAnd sound of your soul's earthly name.